MMC (Malaysian Mining Corp)
MMC D1 Cluster Development: Wellhead Platform Support Frames (WHSF), Sarawak, Malaysia.
ICON Engineering was contracted by PCPP via MMC O&G to provide conceptual engineering and detailed structural design of two wellhead support frames (WHSF) at D30 and DANA fields that are part of the D1 cluster fields developed by PCPP.
Similar Development Illustrating the use of a Wellhead Support Frame
MMC D1 Cluster spread
The wellhead support frames (WHSF) at D30 and Dana are located in approximately 45m of water offshore Sarawak. The PCPP JOC consists of Petronas Carigali, Pertamina and Petrovietnam. The D1 cluster of fields comprises the D30, Dana, Danau and Darma reservoirs, located offshore Sarawak.
The wellhead support frames will receive the full well stream production (FWS) from the D30 and Dana reservoirs and transfer it to basic Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPUs) that will be connected to each of the WHSFs. Production from the D30 and Dana MOPUs will then be further exported via a new pipeline to the existing D35 processing platform for processing. Production will be commingled with the existing D35 crude stream before final export to the Bintulu Crude Oil Terminal (BCOT).
MMC D1 field development concept
Each of the wellhead support frames designed by ICON consists of a below sea level substructure or jacket and a topsides. The substructure acts as a drilling template with 36" conductors driven and grouted into the four (4) 40" legs and so double as structural piles. Four internal 24" conductors can be supported within the substructure at D30 and one internal 24" conductor can be supported at Dana. The D30 substructure is thus designed to accommodate a minimum of eight wells while the Dana substructure can accommodate a minimum of five wells.
ICON also produced the conceptual installation study and procedures for installation of the D30 and Dana WHSFs using the jack-up rig installation method.
The key deliverables that applied to the design of the two WHSFs also included:
The Basis of Design document
Detailed engineering and design drawings of the jackets and topsides
Detailed design reports that included analysis for in-place, dynamic, fatigue, lift, transportation and load-out conditions
Detailed weight control reports
Fabrication shop drawings for the jackets and topsides
Conceptual installation study and indicative installation procedures.